IoT device with multi first party authorize

In our IoT device, we have multiple first-party app. We don’t have UI to do authorize steps (it’s a speaker). Can we success to do one-time login, than afterward our other first party application could login too.

p.s we do not use universal login in our IoT device. we used device authentication to gain access token for our IoT device.

There is a major problem that our product can’t fix, really needs some support.
Any workaround or solution we could do.
Thank you

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If they are independent applications then each one would need to perform a separate flow to obtain theirs respective tokens so there would need to be multiple steps for the users to authorize in each one independently.

Given it is a device authorization flow the actual user login will happen elsewhere so from that point of view the user would only have to actually authenticate once as subsequent authorizations could leverage the previous session even if they were independent.

If you’re looking to simplify the process for the end-user you should consider if its strictly required to have multiple first-party applications in the same device.