How to select a different email address if user declines "Authorize App" step during sign-up

SDK: auth0/react
Version: 1.8.0
Platform: Node v16.9.1

While testing auth0 login for the first time, I entered an email address, then got prompted to “Authorize App” “Default app is requesting access to your … account”

I then decided that I should use a different email address, so I clicked “Decline”

Now there doesn’t seem to be a way to enter a different email address. When I click the Login button it doesn’t offer a way to register with a different address. Normally, I’d expect to see a “Not Use a different account” link.

I could add such a link myself, but how do I know that the user is in this state: not authenticated, but somehow with state (in cookies?) that prevent the user from entering an email address.


Here’s the code for my login button

function LoginButton(){
const { loginWithRedirect } = useAuth0();
return <button onClick={()=> loginWithRedirect()}>Log In

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Anybody has an answer to this?