How to Copy Data From One Tenant to Another Tenant

Problem Statement:

I want to copy all data from one tenant including settings, rules, etc to a newly created tenant which will be used as a replacement without additional configuration needed. There is no need for continuous sync after the initial copy is made. How to do this?


This process includes two parts:

#1: Using the Deploy CLI tool (auth0-deploy-cli) to import and export the Auth0 tenant configuration objects like Clients (Applications), Resource Servers (APIs), Connections etc.

You can export the data to a predefined directory structure or a YAML configuration file. You can call the tool programmatically. You can also use the tool to replace environment variables.

This doc explains how to configure and install the Deploy CLI tool.

#2: Migrating users to the new Auth0 tenant. There are two ways to do it.

  1. Create export users job and then create import users job using the Auth0 Management API endpoint.

  2. Use the Import/Export Extension

The only information which is not available through the API is the password hashes. You need to open a Support Ticket to obtain a password hashes export from us before you can import the users to the new tenant. This doc has the details.

The support ticket for password hash export should originate from the source tenant. It is then possible to use these password hashes in bulk import. This doc has the sample schema.