How does this scenario fit with Auth0 services

Hi, im building a SaaS product (SPA Application) and exploring if Auth0 is the correct ID provider for me. My customers onboard their entire organizations with my product, usually with Azure AD or Google Workspace, so their employees can SSO to my app (OIDC/Oauth) - and thats implemented and works great.

Now there are two scenarios where a customer:
a) has no directory service and wants their employees to onboard anyway (their e-mails are known)
b) has partial directory (eg 10 employess w directory-emails, and 50 using their private emails)

I was looking at filling this gap of “no directory for identities” with Auth0. Is this a good fit, and what products/authentication flows am i looking for in the doucmentation?

Do i provision tentants for customers? Is it all just under my account? What if i invite someone at and they join with their facebook?

The entrypoint for a singel non-id customer-employee would be an email sent from my app to her with an onboarding request.

Any insights would be helpful! Thanks in advance

edit: im looking at a couple 100 users initially and growing to 1000’s withing the year. A subset of these will be for Auth0

edit2: login is common to my app, and not to specific orgs. So theres and you click your provider (Azure, Google, Email+Pass) where the last would be Auth0

edit3 : From a technical point, i recieve a JWT tokens from the other services, validate it, identify the customer-org and user in my app from the claims, throw that token away and switch it for my apps-jwt.

Hi @robert6

You can enable your app for multiple connections, including a database connections. So this allows you to split your user between the federated connections (G Suite/Azure AD) and an email/password DB connection.

This also sounds like it would be a great candidate for Organizations:

This is a very complex question, and hard to architect via a forum, but I think Auth0 has everything you need to do this.
