Getting Error: overrides option is not valid


I tried to enable custom domain in my app based on Configure Features to Use Custom Domains. However, I am getting the said error when trying to login into the app. Below snippets of the options being set - using auth0-spa-js v1.11.0. Thanks

this.auth0Client$ = (from(
domain: this.env?.urls.auth0,

overrides: {
__tenant: this.env?.auth0.tenant,
__token_issuer: this.env?.urls.auth0,

the above fails on below assertion:

{ type: ‘object’, message: ‘overrides option is not valid’ },
__tenant: { optional: true, type: ‘string’, message: ‘__tenant option is required’ },
__token_issuer: {
optional: true,
type: ‘string’,
message: ‘__token_issuer option is required’
__jwks_uri: { optional: true, type: ‘string’, message: ‘__jwks_uri is required’ }

overrides type != object