General question about settings

General questions:

I’m using core with Angular. Using C# in backend.

Do you use a library or framework in client front end in order to encode a data before sending it to the backend?

Is there a dll, or similiar in order to encode data from backend to frontend?

Do you need to send any data to Auth0 as a middle man between frontend and backend?

*I’m newbie in Auth0’s tool

Thank you!

If your client application is an Angular SPA, you can use the auth0-spa-js SDK,

which uses the Authorization Code Grant with PKCE as the flow. How this flow works conceptually is described here:

An Angular Quickstart using this SDK can be found here:

The Angular client gets access and ID token. The access token can be used against your backend. The token verification on the backend side can be done using one of the .NET libraries found on (scroll down the library section, select .NET in the dropdown list).

General docs on tokens and token verification:

Protecting your backend/API: