Gated Content framework used on the Auth0 resources

I was wondering if the framework/workflow that Auth0 use for their own gated content is open source or easily replicated.

The example is on this page: Auth0 | JWT Handbook


  • New user submits form (without password and account setup) The page doesn’t reload, instead displays a button to download the content after form submission.
  • If a user returns to another download resource on the website they are asked “ Previously, you’ve downloaded content using this address: Would you like to use same address?
  • User has the option to download using the same email and is given another opportunity to opt-in.

The elements of this I see as being a Proper gated content experience are:

  • User doesn’t need to signup for an account with a password just to receive a piece of content, it is a standard form with email.
  • The site recognises the user for future downloads
  • Form is ‘inline’ in the page not a popup nor redirects around the site.