Error in v-on handler: Error: email option is required"

On my Vue app, I have set up a registration form for user registration. On submit, I’m sending the user’s email and password to Auth0 as well, to create a user account simultaneously. Although it seems to be working, I receive a error in my console saying that the email option is required. So what is going wrong here and how can we fix it?

My code in my Vue register method:

var webAuth = new auth0.WebAuth({
        domain: domain,
        clientID: clientId,

          connection: "Username-Password-Authentication",
          password: this.password,
        function (err) {
          if (err) return alert("Something went wrong: " + err.message);
          return alert("success signup without login!");

The error I receive in my console:


Hey there!

Can you share with us the link to the quickstart / doc / SDK you are using?

Hi Konrad, for my login I used this one: Auth0 Vue SDK Quickstarts: Login

For my signup, I used this one: Auth0.js v9 Reference


Hi @konrad.sopala , any news on this one?