Client ip is not visible in the logs except for /oauth/token api log

I have enabled Trust Token Endpoint IP Header for my application and I am passing auth0-forwarded-for header in the following APIs,

POST /dbconnections/signup
POST /oauth/token with grant type password
POST /oauth/token with grant type refresh_token

But in the Auth0 logs I can see the client IP only for the api /oauth/token with grant type password. Other two API logs just have only the field IP and client_ip is missing. How can I see the client_ip for the signup and refresh_token apis ? Also, Is Rate limiting for APIs works based on client_ip ?

Anyone find an answer to this?

I am seeing the same thing. the forwarded header seems to only be used on certain routes and grant types.

specifically the oauth/token route with grant_type password or password realm respects it, but oauth/token with grant type refresh_token does not.

I also see the auth0-forwarded-for header is used when completing a change password, but not on the initial password reset request. Based on the logs I see the server ip for the reset request and the user ip on the successful change password POST.