Blocked event loop error in Rule

tl;dr I’m trying to create a short_id for our users, and check its uniqueness within the following rule. The code below works for one iteration. The problem is as soon as I try to add some looping to the uniqueness check portion, I get a Blocked event loop error. I’m pretty new to Javascript, but I suspect this is some sort of callback problem?

 function (user, context, callback) {
      var id_not_unique = true;
  function hex(n) {
    n = n || 6;
    var result = '';
    while (n--){
      result += Math.floor(Math.random()*16).toString(16).toUpperCase();
    return result;
  var ManagementClient = require('auth0@2.9.1').ManagementClient;
  var management = new ManagementClient({
    token: auth0.accessToken,
    domain: auth0.domain
  var short_id = `nurse-${hex(6)}`;
  var params = {
    search_engine: 'v3',
    q: `user_metadata.short_id:"${short_id}"`
  management.getUsers(params, function (err, matched_user) {
    if (Object.keys(matched_user).length === 0) {
     	id_not_unique = false;
      user.user_metadata = user.user_metadata || {};
    	user.user_metadata.short_id = user.user_metadata.short_id || short_id;
    	context.idToken[''] = user.user_metadata.short_id;
      auth0.users.updateUserMetadata(user.user_id, user.user_metadata)
            callback(null, user, context);
   });       // LOOP WOULD END HERE

Bump for end of week hail mary :smiley:

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