Azure AD/Auth0/Datadog - SAML Auth

I am doing a POC where I would like to setup SAML auth for Datadog with Azure AD as the source (final) identity provider.

I have done the following so far:

  • Setup an enterprise connection to Azure AD which seems to be working when I “try” it

    • { "name": "", "email": "", "groups": "", "user_id": [ "", "", "" ], "given_name": [ "", "" ], "family_name": "", "nameIdentifier": "" }
  • Setup Datadog as an application with connection from the previous step. I have also done the necessary steps on Datadog side to setup Auth0 as the IDP. I am getting redirected to the correct places to authenticate but it ends up in this error below:

I have inspected the SAML response and I get the following:

<Attribute Name=>
            <Attribute Name=>
            <Attribute Name=>
            <Attribute Name=>
            <Attribute Name=>
            <Attribute Name=>
            <Attribute Name=>
            <Attribute Name=>

Any idea what I am doing wrong here?