Auth0 + WordPress configuration issue

Hello world! I’m in need of help as I’ve exhausted all hope of solving this issue on my own. I’ve set up the Auth0 plugin on my website with the goal of granting my web subscribers the ability to authenticate their subscription when they log into our mobile apps. However, I can’t seem to figure out why Auth0 is catagorizing my users as “active:fale”. The database is successfully sharing email+password but fails to give my users premium access to our apps.

Any ideas on how I can configure Auth0 to shared “active:true” in the API request?

Here is a sample request in from my app:

curl -H “Accept: application/json” -H “Content-type: application/json” -X POST -d ’ {“brand_id”:“2780”,“integration_id”:“986”,“subscriber_data”:{“email”:“”,“password”:“Anthym123”,“login_type”:“6”}} ’


{“active”:false,“all_access”:true,“success”:true,“title”:“Not a valid subscription”,“description”:“You are not authorized to access premium content. Please contact the publisher to purchase a subscription.”,“api_response”:{“startdate”:“”,“enddate”:“”,“userMessageTitle”:“Not a valid subscription”,“userMessageDescription”:“You are not authorized to access premium content. Please contact the publisher to purchase a subscription.”,“member_id”:“auth0|60be5294612d820070a4e825”,“allAccess”:true}}