Auth0 login: GET False with online app but GET proper tokenID with local

I deployed Node.js app on Heroku and try to use Auth0. When the app at local, I can get next endpoint after Auth0 login but cannot at online app. I investigate the following

  • Auth0 log shows login is success (according to Auth dashboard)
  • Local server GET tokenID properly(checked by console.log) and can proceed next endpoint
  • App at Heroku GET False instead of tokenID(checked by console.log) and cannot proceed next endpoint

I checked config vars on Heroku and it seems OK (following instruction of tutorial).
Does anyone have same problem?

Hi @TCB,

Are there any errors in your tenant logs?


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Hi @john.gateley,

Thank you for your reply.
Do you mean logs which I can see on Monitoring → Logs?
I cannot find any errors there, except when I intentionally inputted wrong password.



I mean on the Auth0 dashboard, under Logs → Streaming.

You should see the calls there, whether they are errors or successes. Do they give any clue?


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Hi @john.gateley

Currently, I can not see the stream:

Your account has reached the maximum number of log streams allowed. To learn the stream maximum for each plan, visit our plans page.

And then I visit plans page but subscription tab is in error:


Something went wrong. We track these errors automatically, but if the problem persists feel free to contact support.

I will check the stream later and find clue.
Many thanks.

Sorry, @TCB, my mistake, I typed the wrong thing:
It should be Logs → Search

It sounds like you have been playing with log streaming, which is a very cool feature, but you probably should only have 1 stream set up. This is to stream your logs to your own logging infrastructure.

Just use search to actually look for the errors.


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Thank you, @john.gateley,

I saw Logs → Search and found only:
‘API Operation: Update tenant settings’,
‘Success Login: Successful Login’,
“Warning During Login: You are using Auth0…”

and could not find any errors.