Auth0 Gmail SS0 doesn't work when I enable Customize Login Page (using auth0 mvc sample)

his is my ASP.NET MVC sample

Now I’m clicking log in button and it redirects me to the Auth0 custom login page

Now, I’m clicking login with the google button and I already signed in to my Gmail account but it doesn’t bring token, and no redirection


and it hits the AuthorizationCodeReceived method but does not bring the token

Please, auth0 community developer look into this bug and resolve. I’m using your provided MVC sample but it doesn’t work. Sample I downloaded from : auth0-aspnet-owin-mvc-samples/Quickstart/01-Login/MvcApplication at master · auth0-samples/auth0-aspnet-owin-mvc-samples · GitHub

Please help me. Thank you!!

Issue reproducing sample (my auth0 Gmail SSO sample), Auth0 SSO Gmail sample with enabled customize login - Google Drive

When I enable this button, Gmail login does not work in the auth0 universal custom login page auth0 custom universal login page

We are implementing login functionality. Please check this issue and provide the solution. Gmail login works when I use a universal login but it doesn’t work when I enable Customize Login Page toggle in Branding page.