Auth0 Cordova: RememberLastLogin is false, but I still see the last login

I am using the Auth0 Cordova plugin (0.4.3) with my Ionic4 app. I am setting the rememberLastLogin flag to false in options:

const options = {
scope: ‘openid profile offline_access’,
rememberLastLogin: false

Auth0 is still remembering the last login. Seems like a pretty simple thing, but not working for me. Any suggestions?

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@Apeksha Were you able to find any solution? I am also facing this same issue.

No, I haven’t. I did find something in the documentation about this flag not working for embedded logins. Perhaps moving to Universal login is the solution - but it is a non-trivial effort (have to make changes to the Auth0 plugin source). I don’t want to take this up unless there is assurance from Auth0 that that is the solution. Unfortunately, no one from the team has responded to this.

@mathiasconradt please help!

@James.Morrison Hi James, Can you help us with this?

Good morning all :wave:

I see you are running the latest version of the plugin. Are you testing on a physical device? If so what model? I’d like to gather more details around this so if you could please direct message me your tenant name so I could take a peek I would appreciate it :pray:

Thanks for the reply. We have tested on multiple devices so far including iPhone 6s, an Android tablet, and an Android phone. I will try to find specs of Android devices.

I have DMed you the tenant name.

Thanks, I’ll take a look @Apeksha :+1:

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when you get proper sollution then please do tell us.