Action Required: Upcoming Authentication API Identification Validation Enforcement

hi - according the email excerpt below, i tried searching for

type:depnote AND description:ignorerequesthostheader*"*

in my logs but didn’t see anything after trying that search.

what should I do now to correct the issue, or do I even have an issue at all? all of my “endpoints” (if that is the same as Allowed-Callback-URLs and Allowed-Logout-URLs) are my primary domain name.

this is what I read in the email:

How are you affected?
We have detected that dev-2XXXXXXX8@us is calling endpoints listed above with a hostname that does not belong to its tenant. These calls will need to be updated as described in our Migration Guide.

thank you,.


We have the same issue! No logs found at all but we received that email too.

ha! misery loves company? the last time i ignored one of these Auth0 future changes caused me trouble later on (fixed-length vs variable-length strings)

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Same problem here. Also got the email, and found nothing in the tenant logs search.

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We’ve encountered the same issue. Can we get an answer to whether any action is required from our end?

Can we please get an update on this? We just received the notification again, but still don’t see anything in the logs.