July 2022
I tried to run your initial project and got 18 times different errors due to the outdated feature such as Gradle build error and try to update them, It’s only 3 months after you published the article.
I don’t know if other development envoiroments have the same حساسیت or not.
But after all I think flutter has a lots of dependency which makes it cracky over time
July 2022
After all, I couldn’t run the app because GoRouter shows an error, something that shows: This GoRouteInformationParser needs to be used with GoRouteInformationProvider, did you forget to pass in GoRouter.routeInformationProvider to the Router constructor?
July 2022
Anyway, after several attempts, the project ran.
I wanted to push it to its repository but got 403, So I push it here so you can clone and review it and use it if it works for you and the future fellow that comes here.
October 2022
Running into the same issue and the fork above worked ok. It’d be nice to update the original Flutter repo to save some trouble for future readers. Thanks for the tutorial btw!
1 reply
October 2022
▶ davidcamp1717
Thank you David for reading this tutorial! Hope it’ve been useful for you!