Passwordless login without email authentication for consumers, not producers of content

I have a usecase similar to Substack where there are two types users, consumers and producers.

The consumers (audience) of the posts do not initially need to create a complete profile, so I just want to reduce friction for them to comment and like posts without requiring a full signup and onboarding or at least delay it. The producers (authors/curators) would require a more detailed login and onboarding process with the passwordless/email/magiclink workflow.

I would like to implement for consumers (audience) a passwordless workflow without email message authentication. Is this possible? Can I use existing passwordless workflow documented by auth0 and bypass email message authentication requirement?

As an alternative, can I create an account via auth0 api and assign a “temporary” password to the consumer (audience) so that a token/cookie can be acquired and user is automatically logged in without email authentication requirement? Also, could I require the user to do authenticated email at another time to complete profile or upgrade to another plan on app platform? can cookie/token be assigned an expiration date like 24hrs, requiring the user to do full authentication on next session?

What is the best workflow or combination that I can use with auth0 to accomplish this?